I just wanna be “PRESIDENT OF MY OWN LIFE”! Isn’t that what everyone wants? Just want a bit of personal sovereignty, a bit more than my cat has.

I don’t believe in fundamentalism and "Right-ism" .(I'm right, you're wrong). But it looks like the two main dudes today are trying to out-Right each other.

I really want to believe in Real Change, but I see too much Loose Change being ignored.

Drones, weaponizing space, maximum security surveillance society, TSA Touch Shit America) Homeland Security, militarization, carbon credits,

I do, I do, I do believe in Hope. I do I do. Really.

What about the Economy? Have you seen it? lately? EVER? It’s Invisible. Like those invisible snakes and monsters under your bed.

Most invisible things that matter don’t put food on the table either.
For example, Music is invisible -- except to those who suffer from synesthesia.

I’ve got issues with gansta rap, pop drivel, beginner violinists, trombones, and the kid next door who thinks he’s gonna be a drummer.

Some invisible things like germs, bedbugs and molecules can be seen but usually not with our naked eyes, unless you’re taking chantix or have a electron microscope.

Atoms and other fine particles? INVISIBLE. I’ve got issues with them too.

I’ve got big issues with money. It’s mostly made up of bits and bytes created out of thin air by Banksters who keep it invisible from most of us.

I’ve got issues with US and THEM, because THEY are invisible, and we are supposed to be indivisible, but we’re mostly invisible to them, because THEY don’t care, do THEY?

Intelligence is invisible, but we think we can measure it. Facts on the other hand are generally visible, but treated as invisible. I’ve got issues with that. I’ve got issues with opinions and ideas; they are generally invisible until someone acts upon them. Lucky for THEM, few people really act. And that’s how we stay INVISIBLE!